Friday February 28, @ 6pm
Join us on Friday February 28, 2025 @ 6 pm for a special interactive paranormal dinner/ investigation at the Publick House in Sturbridge, MA. The Publick House has been named one of the most haunted inns in the US and This will be the first time we have held this event on a Friday at the Publick House.
We will be investigating the Ballroom, stables, Paige Hall and the infamouse Room 40.
Click on link below for info and tickets.
March, 12, 2025 @ 6 pm
We are excited to announce another awesome interactive paranormal dinner/investigaion at the Carriage Inn in North Kingstown, RI. The Inn has been on televivision and many through the years have experienced paranormal activity. Come and investigate with us.
Click on link below for info and tickets.
Wednesday April 23, 2025 @ 6 pm
Join us on April 23, 2025 for a special investigation at the Colonial Inn during the 250th anniversary of the "Shot Heard 'Round the World." The inn was where arms for revolution were hidden and where the wounded soldiers were taken during the famous Battle. We will be investigating the Inn's most haunted areas, including Room 24, which was used as an operating room for injured soldiers, and Room 27, which served as a morgue.
Click below for info and tickets.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday April 5-7
at the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, MA. On Saturday, April 6th, several of the authors will have tables with their books and goods for sale in the Hitchcock Room. Here's the tentative lineup:
May 22 @ 6 pm
Carriage Inn, North Kingstown, RI Paranormal/Dinner Event.
Come join us in investigating one of the most haunted restaurants in the region.
Use our equipment or bring your own. Events sell out fast.
Wednesday, June 26, 6 to 8 pm
Special presentation for the Freemasons in Cranston, RI.
Thursday July 27 @ 6:30 - 8 pm
Pirate Ghosts and Phantom Ships comes to the Blanding Library in Rehoboth, MA.
Join us for some spine tingling accounts of New England's maritime ghosts.
124 Bay State Rd, Rehoboth, MA
We are excited to announce another paranormal Investigation/Dinner at the Publick House on Wednesday July 17, 2024.
The Publick house was voted one of the most haunted inns in the US and we aill be investigating some of the most haunted rooms including the Ballroom and the infamous Room 40. Click link below for info and tickets.
Monday July 22
New Book- Ghosts of King Philip's War Goes On Sale Everywhere!
Monday Sept 30, @ 6 pm.
Welcome to another DWTD 1031 Event at the Publick House
Get ready for Halloween early.
Tuesday, October 1, 12:30 to 1:30 pm
New England's Haunted Route 44. comes to the Pomfret Senior Center. 207 Mashamoquet Rd. Pomfret, CT
Take a journey across New England's most haunted highway.
Carriage Inn, North Kingstown, RI Paranormal/Dinner Event.
Come join us in investigating one of the most haunted restaurants in the region.
Use our equipment or bring your own. Events sell out fast.
Click on link below.
Saturday & Sunday, October 4-6 MASSPARACON
Join us along with many other special guests in Fairhaven, MA at the allegedly haunted Seaport Resort and Marina
For info and tickets, go to
Sunday October 6, 6-7 pm
We will be telling ghost stories and legends of the Blackstone Valley while touring the Blackstone River. Arlene and I really enjoy this event. For more info, go to
or call 401-724-2200
Monday October 7 @ 6 pm
New England Vampires comes to the Somerset Public Library.
The New England vampire scare of the 18th and 19th centuries was very real and there is solid evidence to prove it. Join us as we take you on a journey through time to see for yourself, the New England Vampires.
Somerset Public Library
1464 County St. Somerset, MA
Tuesday October 8
Colonial inn Paranormal Investigation/Dinner
Thursday Oct 10
Private Charter telling ghost stories on the Blackstone River.
Friday October 11, 5:30-8pm
We will be doing a book signing event at Sturbridge Village for the Phantoms By Firelight taking place all month. This is an awesome extravaganza not to be missed!
Sunday October 13 & 20
Hanton City Ghost Walks
Arlene and I along with Smithfield Parks and Recreation will be doing a ghost investigation tour of Hanton City in Smithfield, RI
This abandoned village has sat in the woods of Smithfield for centuries and has been known to be haunted since the 1800s.
Come with us while we share the history and investigate some of the old homesites using old and new school paranormal investigative equipment. You are welcome to use the equipment as well or bring your own A great history and mystery hike into one of the most important yet mysterious abandoned settlements in the region.
For more info contact:
Laura Field-Swallow
Town of Smithfield, Parks & Recreation
64 Farnum Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917
(401) 349-0612
Wednesday, October 16
Colonial Inn Paranormal Dinner/Investigation
Friday October 18, 6 pm
Woonsocket Haunted Bus Tour.
Join us as we take a bus to Woonsocket's haunted and legendary places.
More info forthcoming.
Saturday October 19, 7 pm
We will be telling ghost stories and legends of the Blackstone Valley while touring the Blackstone River. Arlene and I really enjoy this event. For more info, go to
or call 401-724-2200
Monday October 21, 7 pm
We will be telling ghost stories and legends of the Blackstone Valley while touring the Blackstone River. Arlene and I really enjoy this event. For more info, go to
or call 401-724-2200
Tavern On Main Paranormal Investigation Dinners For 2024!
The Tavern On Main in Chepachet, RI is one of the most haunted restaurants in the region and we will be hosting 2 events. Tuesday, October 22 and Monday October 28.
Help us investigate the most haunted areas in this 1700s tavern using the latest technology mixed with old school equipment. Dinner and door prizes included. Cash Bar.
Book now as seating is limited and sell out fast.
Call tavern for reservations 401-710-9788
Thursday October 24 @ 6 pm
Charlton Public Library presents: Haunted New England.
Join us on a journey to some of the most haunted places in the region complete with EVP audio and videos.
40 Main St. Charlton, MA 01507
Friday October 25, 5:30-8pm
We will be doing a book signing event at Sturbridge Village for the Phantoms By Firelight taking place all month.
Saturday October26 1-2pm
Putnam Public Library will host New England's Haunted Route 44.
Take a journey across New England's most haunted highway.
200 School St, Putnam, CT 06260
Phone: (860) 963-6826
Saturday October 26, 5:30-8pm
We will be doing a book signing event at Sturbridge Village for the Phantoms By Firelight taking place all month.
Sunday October 27 @ 6 pm
Take a walking tour with us to meet the vampires of Griswold. Jewett City, a village of Griswold was home to a few of the most noted cases during the vampire panic of the 18th and 19th centuries.
We will be telling their storyband why along with other noted vampire cases in the region.
Last year it was an awesome event and we are looking forward to it this year as well.
For info and bookings, call
Ryan Aubin at 860-376-7026.
We are excited to announce another paranormal Investigation/Dinner at the Publick House on Wednesday October 30, 2024. Join us for our annual Halloween investigation. Book a room for the night (must call Publick House for booking a room.)
The Publick house was voted one of the most haunted inns in the US and we will be investigating some of the most haunted rooms including the Ballroom and the infamous Room 40. Click link below for info and tickets.
Thursday October 31
It is our wedding anniversary and we will be handing out candy.
Saturday November 9, 3pm
New England Vampires come to the Chocorua Public Library.
Join us as we talk about the vampire scare of 18th and 19th century New England.
25 Deer Hill Rd, Chocorua, NH 03817.